Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Fractured Leg

Little Lily with her big cast.

Yes Lily fractured her leg last Sunday. She had a very awkward landing while jumping on the trampoline with the big boys, James and Paddy. We went to A+E in Tallaght Hospital that night and it turned out they couldn't see any fracture on her x-ray. However that didn't mean she didn't have one they said. We were to observe her and see if she would put weight on her leg or not. We took her home but she wouldn't put any weight on her leg at all for three days so I was on my way back to the hospital with her when I received a call from the hospital saying on review of the x-rays there was a fracture. So after a lot of screaming and three nurses holding Lily we got her leg straight and got a cast on it. Before she got the cast she was in a lot of pain but since she has the cast she has been in great form. We have been surprised at how well she has taken to it. She is bum-scooting around very efficiently. She can even get up and down the stairs. She is in suprisingly good spirits but I suspect that may be because of the large amounts of attention she is getting. We are not sure how long she will have to have the cast, maybe 3 or 4 weeks.

In other news we had a great St. Patrick's Day down in Ennistymon. There was a brilliant parade with local school children, tractors, donkeys and our favorite float which was a very realistic scene of turf cutting with a real turf fire and kettle on the float.

St Patrick's day 2012

Our favorite float from the Ennistymon Parade

Bama and the gang on Main St Ennistymon

Another picnic in the Burren, this time with toasted marshmallows

It's coming around to my busy time of year again with project assessments and fashion show preparations looming I have a busy two months ahead of me. However the next big thing to prepare for is James birthday in a week and a half. 8 years old!

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