Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

The big surprise for James and Lily this year...

Christmas day started with James waking at about 6am and running down to find a massive box with a Trampoline in it and a special note from Santa warning that parents should not be expected to build it on Christmas day (Thanks Santa!) James had asked for two large Halo sets (Halo is lego like but with soldiers) on his letter to Santa this year and although I warned that Santa only brings one large gift to each child there was definitely some initial disappointment when he found only one set. It was quickly outweighed by acceptance and excitement over all the wonderful stuff in his stocking.
Lily didn't get up til about 7:30am which was just enough time to help James construct his Halo vehicle (Halo: not as quick to assemble as Lego). Lily got what she asked for: a "Pinktop" (which means pink lap top) a pink phone (plastic) and a snugly blanket. She had been asking for just a Pencil until a couple of weeks before Christmas when she found out Nuria was getting a pink lap top and a pink phone for Christmas. Needless to say Lily had to get the same things as Nuria.

We hosted the Wards on Christmas day and everyone enjoyed the amazing "bronze turkey" that we cooked this year. Even Paddy who had a very high temperature in the morning seemed to fully recover for the Christmas evening festivities. There was all the usual turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberry, gravy, Brussels sprouts, Christmas crackers (which Lily particularly enjoyed), jokes, paper crowns, prosecco, Christmas pudding, cake and presents. James' faith in Santa was restored when his Granny's present turned out to be the other Halo set that was on his Santa list. You see Santa knew that the granny was getting the other set for him so that's why Santa didn't bring it.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the post Christmas holidays from work and school. Santa brought James lots of 'make and do' type of toys which has kept him completely occupied every day. There were days that even TV was forgotten about. Thanks to the fine and mild weather the Trampoline was erected on St. Stephens day and has been used at least five times a day since on the dry days. What's nice is the two of them seem to really enjoy going on it together. Considering their age and gender difference there isn't a whole lot of things that they enjoy doing together so this is a wonderful surprise.

Last week we managed to fit in a family trip to County Clare and we even had an amazing spontaneous Spillane family gathering and feast on New Year's Eve in cousin Dashiel's house. There was a wonderful game of charades played after dinner. James loves charades even though he has a way to go on knowing what actions to do to fully embody his thing. Lily surprised us in being able to join in and did quite well for her age. However we have always said she has powerful 'dramatic skills' for her age so maybe that's why.

When we arrived back from Clare we still had a week of holidays left which we spent catching up with friends, going for walks, playing with every new toy and relaxing. We are all back to the grindstone tomorrow but fully refreshed and revived after a restful winter break.

Last but not least a big welcome to Lucy's new baby boy born today!

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