Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring is Here

Grandad Jim

Long time no post.

It has been a sad few months as we lost our beloved Grandad Jim a week before Christmas last year. His passing has left a gaping hole in our lives and a feeling of bewilderment. Life seems to be dramatically different in so many ways.

I learned recently that Jim didn't like glowing eulogies so I won't go on too much but I wanted to say that Jim was always a loving, welcoming and supportive "father in law" to me. He was uniquely loving and tender with babies and small children. I discovered this trait in him when James was born. Since then I have been moved by Jim's enthusiasm for and admiration of his grandchildren. From the time Lily was only a few months old she showed signs of favoring Jim above anyone else and as she got older this continued. If Jim was in the room with her it was as if nobody else existed. Jim's interest and wonderment of his grandchildren was a wonderful gift to them and I am glad that both of them got to know him so well.

The good news is that we are having an unusually sunny springtime. This is helping us get up and out and enjoy our days. Luckily it was sunny too for James' 7th Birthday party where we entertained 17 children at our house! We spent plenty of time preparing the entertainment... target practice, obstacle course, waterbombs, pinjata, pass-the-parcel, treasure hunt etc. Not to mention sorting the food (two vegetarians, one non-wheat, one non-pork, one non-beef, 1 non-dairy, and 1 nut allergy!). In the end most of the boys time was spent divided between playing football and Lego- 7 year old boy favorites!

Here is a slideshow of the past few months starting with Lily's "grumpy fairy" at Christmas, some sunny February days in Lahinch Co Clare, James party, more sunny April days in Lahinch, Easter Sunday picnic and egg hunt in the Burren, Moher hill pet farm and tide pools and swimming at Clahane.