Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer is Here, Summer Weather Still to Come.

"You know it's summer in Ireland because the rain is warmer" I heard that quote recently and thought...well said!

Summer holidays have arrived for me and will arrive for James in a couple of days. The weather has been cool with regular wind and rain. We haven't spent much of our time in shorts since April but we are still holding out hope that we will get some summer weather in July and August. Luckily with the light staying around until after 10pm lately we have gotten lots of bright evenings to spend on the green area at the end of our road christened "The Grassy Knoll" by Gavin. James has taken a shine to his bicycle that he got for his birthday and spends many evenings on it or playing football.

James has been very productive lately with assorted "projects" as he calls them. He loves drawing and spends hours drawing stick men in wars/battles and scenes of general destruction. He has taken to making books with his drawings and enjoys writing stories to go with them. He also spends time making army related objects out of wood, thanks to Uncle Joe and Auntie Jessie for the carpentry kit given at Christmas. Anything to do with constructing things/army stuff is tops for James at the moment. We had some serious inspiration a couple of weeks ago after visiting the NCAD (Nation College of Art and Design) end of year exhibition where he saw a textile artist who's subject was army figures photographed and made into fabric. This has started a whole new craze for James. Setting up army figures in scenes and photographing them. He has branched out into lego figures as well. Here is a little selection of his recent "work" in a slideshow.

The other major love at the moment for both Lily and James is Jedward. For those who don't live in Ireland Jedward are a pop sensation born on the English X-Factor program. They are twins (John and Edward) from Dublin and they are very funny, entertaining and cool if you are 7 or 3. I insist you check them out if you have never heard of them, link below.

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