Thursday, June 24, 2010

"My Do It!"

"My do it", "My have it", "My eat it", "My get you", "My Mammy" and the big one "My turn" seem to be the sound track to our lives at the moment. Lily is advancing quickly with her words and her ability to boss everyone around. She has her own way of expressing herself already. She likes to double everything like "car car", "pasta pasta" or "more more". She can be very polite and likes to add Mammy to everything for example "please Mammy" "KanKoo Mammy" "Welcome Mammy" and even "Bless you Mammy". She quite regularly mixes up the order of things Yoda style like "Sit down me". She also adds her own nonsense parts to sentences like "Ina Daddy going?" meaning where is daddy going or "Ope-it-a-my" meaning open it. And as she gets more advanced in her sentences she not only adds nonsense, she adds in some fibs too like "Sadie hit me all the time"-Sadie is her doll, and "James pushing me around"-when he is not.
Some of our favorite Lilyisms at the moment are:
"diff one"=different one
"dab o dee"=cup of tea.
"Daddy doe"=Daddy and "Mammy-o"=Mammy and "Dosh-y-doe" or "Jis"=James
"Speedge Bob"=Sponge Bob
"Pinknink"= Picnic
"Piggy bank"= piggy back

Another Lily behaviour of the moment is that she won't leave home with out something or should I say lots of things; for example her "pram" with 10 dolls in it... or her "Dora bag" stuffed with dolls, balls, blankets etc. seen below.

James finishes his first year of school next week. He has grown up so much this year. He has finally stopped clinging to his Mammy. I still expect him to be stuck to my side and am surprised when he is not. Recently I went to his sports day in school and on a field trip with him and he more or less ignored me and played with his friends the whole time. I was delighted! He seems confident and independent and he has lots of friends. What more could you want for your child.

I leave you with some clips of Lily singing and a short clip of James' school play where he is being helped along by girl in his class.

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