Saturday, April 24, 2010

6 Years Old!

The boy is now 6. He had a brilliant birthday. He had a combined birthday party with his best pal in school Dan, who's birthday is 5 days before his. We decided to rent out a party venue (James' after school club) and invite the whole class (26 kids!) It was a great way for us to get to know all the kids in his class a bit better. It was the best day of the year so far weather wise and the party was a total success with face painting, trampoline jumping, disco dancing, a chocolate egg hunt, party games, pizza, popcorn, cake etc.

Because we invited the whole class to the party we didn't want to be overloaded with presents so we asked everyone to give donations to charities instead of bringing gifts. This turned out to be one of the nicest aspects of James' birthday. Many children gave into James' charity of choice, the "save the tiger" fund. And many others gave things such as, sports kits to kids or chickens to families in Africa, or sponsored a tree or donated to the prevention of cruelty of animals etc.

And of course the next morning, on his proper birthday, he got to open plenty of presents including some much loved Lego but also a Michael Jackson dvd which has prompted some new dance moves and a scooter which has been a huge hit!

As for Lily, she is talking up a storm with new words coming every day. The big story of this month has been "cow moo fright me", but she can explain it to you better than I can...

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