Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year! I hope Christmas went well for everyone. We had a lovely Christmas. On Christmas Eve we took a family trip into town to have a look at the lights on Grafton Street. James loved the lights and got to run around and use up some of his Christmas Eve energy.

In the morning he had forgotten it was Christmas and came into our bed for a snuggle. I said "James, Happy Christmas" upon which he scampered out of our bed back into his room to rummage through his stocking. After a good while he went into the front room where his Lego police station was waiting for him in a giant box, the sight of which made him gasp. He also got a girl power ranger as requested, and a Wall-e that folds into a box as a surprise. Santa was kind enough to also leave a couple of books and a poster for James as well as a chew toy, cuddle toy and a pair of shoes for Lily.

Poor Daddy was sick in bed with the flu on Christmas morning so Mammy and James began the task of building the Lego police station. Four hours later, James having lost interest, it was complete! The sight of the completed masterpiece left James overwhelmed with excitement and full of promises not to take it apart. To my surprise and Daddy's happiness this creation has not been taken apart yet even though it's been played with all week!

On Christmas afternoon we went to the Ward's for a lovely Christmas feast. Cousin Paddy and James watched Wall-e and played peacefully while we ate our meal, unaware that there were more presents to come. After dinner the boys were given presents, the highlight of which was receiving two light sabers each. It's not hard to imagine what happened next...yes a light saber frenzy which Uncle Michael and Auntie Celine kindly participated in for hours. There was also a glowing remote control car which provided plenty of entertainment.

James was amazed by his Christmas experience. Like a good boy he was very grateful for his presents. At one point when Daddy said jokingly "you got so many presents I want one of them", James willingly handed one over!

The day after St. Stephens Day we traveled to Co. Clare to visit Bama who was also very sick with the flu. We had a lovely time enjoying the cold and bright days and got our first family photo taken on Lahinch promenade.

Lily took huge leaps forward over Christmas. She took her first few spoons of solids on and began siting unassisted both on Christmas day.

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