Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve and we are all ready and waiting for Santa's arrival.

We have had a busy month as you will see in the slideshow below. Starting out with cousin Paddy's 4th birthday party. Then Mammy, James and Lily went to Clare on the train. We had lots of winter fun cracking ice puddles and running around on the beach chasing waves at sunset. We also enjoyed an outing to Farmleigh for a Christmas market, puppet show and a run around the fields in wellies with Paddy. Over the last couple of weeks we have done much preparing and decorating for Christmas, in which James and Lily were very involved.

In other news, Mammy started back at work. Luckily it was only 2 1/2 days and now there is a break of two weeks for Christmas.

This is our favorite photo of Lily sitting on Bama's couch looking like a little doll.

She is still biting everything in sight. Her favorite things to bite are Mammy's chin, wood or paper.

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