Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow, snow and more snow!

A week of snow in Dublin (the biggest snowfall in living memory apparently) has filled our week with adventures of all types. Unlike last year's cold snap where we got over a month of scary compacted ice, this week we have had lovely deep powdery snow falling every day. This has been very exciting for the kids. And just when James thought things couldn't get any better, his school closed down for three days.

We have learned lots about snow this week starting with trying to figure out how to make a snowman out of powdery snow. It took a couple of attempts but we got there in the end.

We figured out what kinds of things are good for make-shift sleighs. We tried laundry baskets, plastic tubs, surfboards and we aren't finished trying yet. We experienced what it is like to be in a car that's wheels are spinning in place, we witnessed many cars attempting to drive our ice-rink of a road (about 2 inches of compacted snow). They slipped, slid and spun as they made their way to the main road which had a bit of salt on it.

I figured out how long it takes to walk to work in the snow with a two year old and a six year old, result: over an hour (usually takes less than 20 min). We figured out how to get to my work on the bus by going quite far out of the way and transfering once. That took about an hour and a half. The kids liked these adventures and James especially liked coming into work with me as he got to watch movies, play computer games and was given chocolate from Bernie in the canteen.

The snow is here to stay for another week at least or so we have been told. And while it has been great fun in many ways it has also been very difficult to visit grandad Jim who is very sick. Luckily he has a lovely view of snowy dublin and the sea from his fifth floor window and thankfully we are within walking distance of him.

We did miraculuosly manage to make it down to co Clare last weekend for Gavin's cousin Vinnie's wedding party which was brilliant!

I will leave you on a happy note with this image of Vinnie and his lovely new wife Amy, who hails from Flint, Michigan... and won't even mention the scary IMF/ECB bank bailout stuff.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Looks like the kids are absolutely loving the snow. I have been wondering how you are doing, that's why I decided to stop by...I know I am terrible with corresponding, but I am sending love and positive thoughts your way! XOXO