Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Big Freeze

It's been a while since my last post but there seems to be little to report except that we have had freezing cold weather for two months now. It all started with the "Big Freeze" we had in early January. It was the worst cold, snowy weather Ireland has seen since 1947 apparently. James even got a couple of days off school because of the treacherous conditions. Most of the time there was thick ice or compacted snow that froze everywhere. It was terrifying at times trying to walk or drive as grit for the roads and pathways ran out. Lots of people slipped and fell, including Gav who sprained his wrist badly. We were just glad he didn't brake it. In the middle of it all there was one beautiful day of sun and snow. The highlight of which for James was a sleigh (a tub with a rope attached) ride down to the supermarket and a snowball fight on the way home.

Because of the cold weather we have had to spend a lot of time indoors lately and to get a little excercise the kids have taken to having a daily dance session. James insists on rock music like AC/DC or G n' R. Lily asks for "Mia Mia" which refers to 'Mamma Mia' by Abba. Here's a clip below from Christmas day of James and Paddy dancing to 'The boy's are back in town' by Thin Lizzy.

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