Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Princess Lily

I wanted to share the little story behind the "Princess Lily" title. A year ago when I told James I had a baby growing in my tummy I asked him did he think it would be a boy or girl. He thought it would be a girl. I then asked him did he have any good names for her. He responded "Princess Lily". It stuck!!! We think she looks rather like a princess in the photo above.

Gavin is king of nicknaming everything so she has many other nicknames such as:

Lily Roshie Lovely - While in the car on the way to the hospital in labour, James said if we have a girl the name will be Lily Roshie(a version of Roisin) Lovely. To this day he tells everyone this is her name.

The Lorax - Gavin's favorite one, care of Dr Seuss

Dazarsarus - Don't ask - a word James made up when trying to pronounce "the sorceress"

Booshi - Skuce nickname

Segosha - Irish for my delight

Booshi Sagushi - Mammy's homemade mix of the above two

Trixy Pixie - because she is like a pixie

Tiger Lily - because she makes tiger-like sounds

Sweetpie - Used for James and being passed on to Lily

Lily is four months old now and still doing plenty of biting, drooling, sucking and lunging. She is still on the petite side weighing 13lbs 8oz at four months old. The big news is that she is rolling over! I was very surprised to find one day last week out of nowhere she rolled onto her side. I was impressed with this. Then the next day she rolled all the way over on to her belly and the following day she rolled over twice in a row. I was caught off guard by the suddenness of her progress. I was hoping she would be different to James. He sat unassisted at 5 months, crawled at 5 1/2 months and walked by 10 months. I am a little worried Lily may be an early mover like her brother which may pose some interesting problems concerning the fact that James is obsessed with Lego and has it all over the floor at all times.

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