Friday, August 3, 2012

Lily Turns 4!

This month brought lots of celebrations including our wedding and lots of visitors but not to be forgotten in the middle of all that fuss was a little girl's big 4th birthday...

Lily talks about her birthday/birthday party on most days of the year...who will be at her party...what type of cake will she have...which dress will she wear etc.  She regularly plays games that she is having a party with her imaginary friends, 'Baby Giraffe' and 'Emmalay'.  So we did feel a bit of pressure to have an exciting party.  With all that was going on I wasn't sure we could pull it off however I think we did in the end, thank God. 
When Lily woke up that morning, put her hands in the air and said "it's my birthday yay! Have my guests arrived yet?!" So we had to explain that parties don't start at 7:00am and she would have to wait until after lunch.  It was a rainy day, as much of June/July has been and a couple of her favorite friends, Grace and Ciara were on holidays but luckily everyone else could make it and in fabulous party dresses too!   

 Can't you just feel the excitement...

 ...and the love!

  The first event of the party was a flurry of admiration for each others beautiful party dresses upon arrival.  Then face painting provided entertainment for a while after which the new toys were shown and shared, including a toy barn and animals, crowns/jewelery, and the lovely Lalaloopsy doll.  In between the showers they even got a chance to have a go with the new bubble machine outside. 

 There were a couple of special guests at this party including Auntie Alicia over from California and Uncle Simon over from Florida.  It was a treat to have them both there.  Simon was our savior on the day as while the the kids were having pizza he provided top class 4-year-old entertainment, including stories, jokes, and tricks.  The girls were fascinated and enchanted by Simon and the high pitched squeels coming out of them was hilarious and unforgettable.  We all agreed that Simon should try a new career as birthday-party-entertainer.

 The party flew in and we never even got to organise party games but there was of course time for what Lily had been waiting for all year- chocolate cake and the happy birthday song!

And not only was there cake, there was ice cream cones with sprinkles on top, Lily's favorite at the moment!

Lily at 4 Loves: 

*pink, purple, sparkles and fluffy things.  

*Jewelery, crowns, wands, hair accessories, nail varnish, make-up

*plastic high heels, sunglasses, fairy dresses, wings, handbags

*dressing herself everyday, creatively...layering is key, shorts or skirts under dresses, socks on top of tights, vests over tops, dresses on top of two t-shirts

*jumping on the trampoline, riding her bike and scooter, tackling her brother

*animals especially little cute ones and most especially Skippy, James rabbit

*films including Tin Tin, Puss in Boots, Arrietty, any princess/fairy film

*painting, drawing, colouring, face painting

*playing tea parties, dollies, doctors, marbles

*beaches, parks, rivers, nature

*picking flowers and giving them to people

*imaginary friends -Emmalay and Baby Giraffe

*making people laugh, shocking people with bum bum/poo poo comments or fighting comments like" I am going to destroy that boy doctor's heart" and "I'll put mackers (smack/manners) on that doctor" after her broken leg

*Dancing to Jedward, singing along to Gorillaz

*stories and story books

*asking questions like why do people need houses? why do people need brothers? why do people need skulls?  Why do people need hearts?

*talking and not letting anyone else talk, talking nonsense like "my legs are tired, my eyes are tired, my nose is tired but my speaking is not tired.  My blah blah blah is not tired"

*mixing up words and making her own words...'sparking pot' = parking spot
*cuddles, kisses and tickles