Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summer Is Over

I've been very slack on my posts lately. It's a sign that we were too busy having a great time this summer. There was a lot of lovely weather, especially in June and August and we spent most of it mastering our picnicing technique. Beaches, parks, pet farms, islands, you name it we picniced there this summer. The best part of the summer was of course the visit from Auntie Alicia! We got her for about 6 weeks which was both a luxury and a pleasure. She unfortunately experienced some on the worst weather of the summer during July but benifited by getting some of the classic Irish experiences such as rainy picnics and beach trips.
We miss her loads since she left but luckily we have been occupied by settling back into school, work and creche.

Here are a few pics from the fab summer 2010 including pics of:
  • A visit from Naomi, Adam and Luke
  • A trip to the pet farm in Co Clare
  • Bama's Birthday
  • Lily's Birthday
  • Dressing up
  • A trip to the Aran Islands
  • Rainy picnic at the Burren
  • A trip to the Zoo with cousin Paddy