Thursday, October 22, 2009

Through James Eyes

Above is a self portrait that James did this week. Also he wrote his name for the first time, on an ice-pop stick, complete with backward J. (I wrote the W).

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Going To California

We all survived the first six weeks of school for James, creche for Lily and work for the Mammy. It's been hectic but we are now settled in to our new routines.

James absolutely loves school. I was hopeful that he would like it but I am amazed at how much he loves it. He also loves his after-school care which he goes to three days a week while I am at work. The bonus at the after-school care is that cousin Paddy goes to the same place! The fact that they have each other at their after-school made it so much easier for the two of them to settle in.

Lily has settled in really well at her creche. This past week, which was her sixth week, she didn't cry at all when I handed her over. I couldn't believe it. She just reached over to the minder and looked happy to be going to play with her new friends. I thought it was a fluke the first day she did it but then she did the same thing the next two days. It is a huge relief and surprise that she is content to part with me. The big screams that were happening when I handed her over in the weeks previous were so upsetting for me before I went to work.

Next on the agenda is our big trip to California, which is less than one week away! So I am off to pack and I leave you with a slideshow of the past few months. Gav has been busily studying up on fatal Bear and Cougar attacks on wikipedia in advance :]