Saturday, April 18, 2009

The past month has been quite eventful. At the beginning of the month myself, the kids and Bama travelled to Bewdley in Worchestershire to visit James and Lily's Great Granny Doreen. We had a wonderful time. Granny, who is turning 90 this year, was the hostess with the mostess stuffing us full of lovely meals followed by homemade scones, tea brack, wellington squares, sponge cakes etc. The town she lives in, Bewdley, is a picturesque town set on the river Severn. James' favorite spot in the town was the lovely old-style sweet shop that has been there for over 100 years. The other highlights for James were playing in Granny's beautiful garden and visiting the local Safari Park. The highlights for me and Bama were reconnecting with the Skuces and looking at old photo albums and family trees. We were amazed to find that Lily bears a strong resemblance to Rory as a baby.

We also traveled to Clare for Easter which happened to fall on James' birthday this year. There was lovely sunshine for our whole stay so we got to spend lots of time on the beach. On Saturday evening Evan came for a visit and we had a bonfire, the combination of which was a dream come true for James. A perfect pre Birthday treat. On Easter Sunday there was a Lego madness morning followed by a visit from Kaia and Antoinette. They helped us sing Happy Birthday and eat the chocolate cake, which James had been watching us make all morning. After that we went to "the hinch" (Lahinch) to play in the sand with the much loved and admired Eva and her little brother Theo. After our last visit with Eva (Gavin's Cousin's daughter) who is seven, James kept saying "Isn't Eva so Beautiful". Smitten!

Lily has learned a few new tricks this month, including waving, clapping, pointing and standing unassisted for 5-7 seconds. Her present favorite activity is flinging the contents of a box or drawer over her shoulder. Sock drawers and boxes of crayons are some of her favourites. She is able to walk along supporting herself on sofa's, chairs and anything at her level. She will definitely be walking soon but how soon is hard to know. We are hoping she will be walking before our trip to Paris which is in 4 weeks exactly.

Below is a slide show of the past month. The first few photos are our trip to England, Granny's back garden and Bewdley and the rest are of our trip to Clare.