Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lily at 8 months

Here is our little precious Lily at 8 months. Her form has improved greatly over the last month as her four top teeth have finished cutting through. We have discovered that she is a little socialite. James was such a shy boy at this stage so we we are suprised to find that Lily loves an audience. She charms everyone by giving out huge grins and lovely baby gurgly sounds.

We had a lovely St Patricks day this year as the weather was mild and sunny. We went into town to bring James to the fun fair but when we got there he refused to go any rides, typical James. We ended up spending the whole day in the Merrion Square park having a picnic. Lily loved crawling on the grass in her little green frog suit. We all enjoyed the day but definitely noticed the recession taking effect as there was no music or family entertainment on the streets of town like there usually is.

The photos above were taken over the last two months. James is getting so big now. It will be his 5th birthday on Easter Sunday this year. The other day when I came home from work he was playing with his friend Jack in his bedroom and when I came in looking for a hug he gave me a quick hug and said "now will you go away?" Oh the rejection is terrible! He has finally realised that playing with other children is much more fun then playing with the Mammy. His cousin Paddy and himself have just discovered play fighting. I have a feeling they will be doing this for a long time to come. There is a little clip below of the two of them in action, as well as a clip of James doing his break dancing, as he calls it.