Saturday, February 21, 2009

7 Months and Crawling

We had a big change in our household this week...Lily started crawling! She started on Valentine's day, when she was exactly 7 months old. It's been just over a week since then and she can already crawl quite fast. It's a big adjustment for us to be constantly following her around making sure she is safe. On her first day of crawling she managed to try and eat some firelighters, topple our paper recycling bin and she reached her ultimate goal the Lego box. Needless to say we have many crawling-baby adjustments to make to our house. The one lovely thing is that she now comes smiling and crawling over to you when you come home.

Lily has been quite clingy and cranky lately. The crankiness we are putting down to the fact that four new top teeth are cutting. The clinginess is probably due to the adjustment of being in childcare for part of her week. However she is still a sweet, smiley, social baby when she is in my arms and not having major teeth pain.

I have included two little clips of Lily. One clip is of her on her second day crawling, when she is still working it all out and going slowly. The other is a nice example of her smiley self.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Let It Snow

Can you believe it snowed in Dublin?! We have been having a very cold winter this year and sure enough we got snow last week. It was only an inch or two of snow but it was enough to create snowballs and cause total traffic chaos across the city. Bama was up in Dublin for one night before she traveled to Canada to meet her new Granddaughter Claire. She had just enough time to make a mini snowman with James that had a proper carrot nose.