Saturday, November 29, 2008

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

We would like to announce the arrival of Lily's two front bottom teeth! The first sign of them was just over a week ago. There was much work put into getting them. It sounds hard to believe but she suffered for 6 weeks to get them, and the rest of us with her. The nights have been, well how will I put it...adventurous :] A typical night might be - put her to bed at 7pm up at 10:30 for last feed, then the fun would kick off with her waking and screaming at 12:30am then 1:30am, then maybe 2:45am, 3:00am, 3:30am then maybe 5:00am , 6:00am and finally awake at 7:00am to start the day. Have I put anyone off having a baby yet?! Not all the nights were that bad but let's just say we're hopeful that things will change soon. Thank God she is my second baby. If James had been this bad I may have never had a second one. Luckily she has such a sweet nature which gives me something to look forward to each morning. I forgive her for all the grief she gives me at night the instant I see her sweet smiling face looking up at me.

Having two teeth up hasn't stopped her chewing everything in sight. I think there may be more coming soon.

She had been sucking her thumb for a few weeks but having two razor sharp teeth in her mouth seems to have put her off.

Our sleeping beauty

Stay tuned as in a few days I am going to do another post which will focus on James from 2008.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Princess Lily

I wanted to share the little story behind the "Princess Lily" title. A year ago when I told James I had a baby growing in my tummy I asked him did he think it would be a boy or girl. He thought it would be a girl. I then asked him did he have any good names for her. He responded "Princess Lily". It stuck!!! We think she looks rather like a princess in the photo above.

Gavin is king of nicknaming everything so she has many other nicknames such as:

Lily Roshie Lovely - While in the car on the way to the hospital in labour, James said if we have a girl the name will be Lily Roshie(a version of Roisin) Lovely. To this day he tells everyone this is her name.

The Lorax - Gavin's favorite one, care of Dr Seuss

Dazarsarus - Don't ask - a word James made up when trying to pronounce "the sorceress"

Booshi - Skuce nickname

Segosha - Irish for my delight

Booshi Sagushi - Mammy's homemade mix of the above two

Trixy Pixie - because she is like a pixie

Tiger Lily - because she makes tiger-like sounds

Sweetpie - Used for James and being passed on to Lily

Lily is four months old now and still doing plenty of biting, drooling, sucking and lunging. She is still on the petite side weighing 13lbs 8oz at four months old. The big news is that she is rolling over! I was very surprised to find one day last week out of nowhere she rolled onto her side. I was impressed with this. Then the next day she rolled all the way over on to her belly and the following day she rolled over twice in a row. I was caught off guard by the suddenness of her progress. I was hoping she would be different to James. He sat unassisted at 5 months, crawled at 5 1/2 months and walked by 10 months. I am a little worried Lily may be an early mover like her brother which may pose some interesting problems concerning the fact that James is obsessed with Lego and has it all over the floor at all times.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween madness

It was Halloween last week and we had great fun but, I didn't realize it would be such hard work as well. It started with pumpkin carving a few days before, which James was dying to do but lasted only a couple of minutes at once he saw the stringy, mushy stuff inside. Luckily I received a wonderful pumpkin carving kit from Danielle who was just back from the States so that made my job a lot easier. Then there was the making of the costume which James was also dying to participate in but again only lasted a few minutes at. He wanted to be a skeleton or skelington as he calls it. So I finished that job too but unfortunately in the end no body realized it was a home made costume.

On to the night itself. James' cousin Paddy came over to trick or treat dressed as a power ranger. James was so excited that when we started he just ran all the way down to the end of our street. Paddy having never trick or treated before followed suit. When we finally caught up with them they both turned around and ran all the way back. By then they were already asking to go home. We persuaded them to go into one house where they were met by a strange man who would not speak as part of his Halloween act. At that point there were more requests to go home. Then came the bangers and fireworks which they hated the sound of, but we continued through this hardship only to find that we could get no chocolate, only nuts, popcorn and crisps. I was determined to persevere for the chocolate cause. By about house number 10 they finally got some chocolate, were delighted and were dying to get home.

Lily, the poor thing, is suffering with her teeth. She spends all day licking and biting anything that is put in front of her. She is like a little puppy. She lunges toward you finger if you put it in front of her, then she bites and chews until your finger is sore. She particularly loves biting and playing with fabric. She is also getting the hang of sucking her thumb. Below is a little movie of Lily at the moment and what she has to put up with as far as James is concerned, but she gets her own back in the end.

Here is a couple recent photos.

And I leave you with our favorite Lily funny face of the week.