Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Welcome Everyone

Hello everyone and welcome. I have taken inspiration from Alexis' blog and decided to try and do a blog myself. The main idea is to help keep everyone updated on James and Lily.

I am starting with photos from three months ago when Lily was born.

The next thing is a little slide show of the three months since Lily was born. It is a bit brief as I ran into some technical difficulties which I am still trying to overcome.

Below is our favorite recent photo of James. He is getting so big now. He has lost his big blond curls over the last six months but still has lovely fair wavy hair. This is him in our back garden helping cut back some bushes. He has had his ups and downs since Lily arrived but now seems totally adjusted and is a doting older brother. He is a great helper as well. He especially loves telling me when she has puked or pooped.

Below are some more recent photos of Lily. She is a sweet little wide eyed girl and we think these photos represent her well. Unfortunately they were taken on a phone camera so they are not the best quality. The second photo below is James favorite. He has huge belly laughs when Lily makes cute or funny faces.

Lily is a very sociable, smiley baby. She is no where near as demanding as James was. A typical second baby I am told. She is a petite baby, she was 12 lbs 2oz at three months. We think she is a little pixie.

Adjusting to having two children has definitely been easier than adjusting to the first baby, for me anyway. Sometimes I feel like I am playing house with a new doll. However it's not all fun and games as she is teething badly at the moment and has started waking frequently at night. At least I know it's just a phase and it will pass.

I am gonna try and do a post every month or so. I am hoping my blogging skills will improve.